Tuesday, September 18, 2007

Week 9 #23 Summary

I did learn about some interesting things on this journey.
I did not know what wikis, pods, etc were.

This program has highlighted the fact that I do not do well with self-learning.

I do much better with classroom structure and a teacher.

I was not really surprised to find out that I am definitely technologically challenged.

I would learn this better with a teacher.

I did not choose to participate this time. I felt forced to do it.

If I really wanted an MP3 player , I would have purchased my own. I am not going to know what to do with it anyway.

My learning experience was frustrating to say the least. I was often in tears or close to it.
I do not have the time to spend hours everyday on the computer. I do not have the desire to spend my time there.

I want to read actual books that I hold in my hand, curled up in a comfy chair or laying in bed or best yet, out on my deck swing.

I enjoy the outdoors. I have enough trouble keeping up with all the junk e-mail I get everyday.

I love the computer for e-mail, chatting, shopping, searching.

I do not want to read lots of RSS feeds everyday. I do not have time that I want to spend reading other peoples blogs, etc.

I have definitely learned that all this technology is not for me.

I would like to know how to use my digital camera and how to share pictures by e-mail.

Whenever I read the directions and follow through on something, I cannot do it again. I have not really learned it.

I need to be shown, then talked through it and have to do it a few times to really learn it.

I must say, I am glad this experience is over.


IrmBrown said...

Thanks for being candid. I'm sorry you felt forced to do this... that was never the case... in any case, you can always re-gift the MP3 to a friend... I'll guarantee you, that will be great gift. :-)
Thanks for your perseverance.

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